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MY 80th BIRTHDAY, and the book “Aged Care through a Montessori Lens”


The first celebration (pictured above) was at a Michelin Star restaurant in Nootdorp, Netherlands with Joanne Kaya, friend and Montessori teacher I first met in Moscow.

Next, with Judi Orion. Judi and I were both born in Tennessee in October, 1943, and have celebrated our birthdays together in Denver, Colorado, in Northern Italy, and now in Amsterdam. We visited the new Van Gogh museum . . .

And enjoyed the music in the park outside the museum.

Judi spends half of each year working in Amsterdam and invited her many friends here to a celebration dinner aboard a canal boat. Here we are with old friend Heidi Philippart.

One last-night celebration in Amsterdam at the home of Lynne and Steve Lawrence.

After several days of Montessori work, exploration of Romania and Moldovia, and a public lecture on the last night, a surprise party!
If you would like to see about the work in Romania, CLICK: ROMANIA

And Finally. On my actual birthday, October 29, Jim and our son Michael and his wife Lucy enjoyed a dinner at our favorite restaurant in Trinidad, California. Yes that is a Dale Chihuly glass sculpture hanging above our table!

NEW BOOK: Aged Care through a Montessori Lens
Anne Kelly had already published a book on Montessori for the aged, and I was writing one to share my experience of attitudes toward old age and death in various countries. We talked about our plans at the AGM in Amsterdam in the spring, then when we met again in Vancouver Canada decided to combine our efforts in order to reach more people.
If you would like to know more about the Vancouver meeting that inspired many people, not just us, to create, CLICK: Adele Diamond

Even though this book is newly published it is already appreciated by many. I had a lovely thank you note from past President and Mrs. Carter after sending them a copy. And here are some recommendations (Amazon reviews, and from the back cover of the book) from doctors, nurses, Montessori teachers and teacher trainers, and a psychologist, people from various countries

A book that should be read by the young. It contains valuable information not just in thinking about parents and grandparents, but for myself, and I do not consider myself old yet. 

I highly recommend this book for anyone who is in a caregiving position currently but also for young adults who want to prepare themselves for taking care of their elders while those elders can still communicate their wants, needs, and feelings.

 — The authors understand the internal world and language of dementia, they speak for a treatment with dignity, kindness and independence. An important read for all of us who reflect on the kind of a society we live in and would like to live in.

 — Glimpses of Aged Care through a Montessori Lens should be required reading for all levels of nursing education

The book reads easily. The model described varies significantly from the memory care I have seen. It will be very useful in planning and implementing care in our new community and will guide initial and ongoing staff training.


The cover contains a reproduction of a painting inspired by time in Tibet. Here is the story (from the book):
In 2003, traveling from Kathmandu to Lhasa, Tibet, three friends and I stopped in Gangka village to see the small temple created in the famous Namkading cave where the Tibetan philosopher Milarepa had spent many years of his life in the eleventh century. An elderly blind woman was waiting outside the entrance for someone to get the key from one of the two monks who were caretakers of this site. When the door was unlocked she entered with us and walked confidently to the large prayer wheel which she turned slowly while whispering the Tibetan prayer for the happiness for all sentient beings. This was her work, her reason to get up each morning, her value to the community. As we left, she took a piece of dried yak cheese from her pocket and handed it to me in gratitude for helping her fulfill her need to be useful and to help others. The painting shown on the cover of this book was a result of this experience.

On this page is a list of countries where the print version of this book can be ordered through Amazon: CLICK: Books

Prints and cards of the cover image found on the book at the top of this page  are available in several countries of the world: CLICK: Cards/Prints

Good wishes to one and all, as we make intelligent plans for our own creative old age (and 80th birthdays), and that of our friends and relatives.


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