Glimpses of Aging – for the Young to Think About.

Glimpses of Aging  – for the Young to Think About

An Amazon review of Aged Care Through a Montessori Lens, by Anne Kelly and Susan Mayclin Stephenson:
THIS BOOK SHOULD BE READ BY THE YOUNG. This book contains valuable information, not just in thinking about parents and grandparents, but for myself, and I do not consider myself old yet. It is young people who need this information so they can change the system. I was very impressed with the Montessori ideas laid out in this book, especially the consideration of dignity during this period.

On February 20th and 21st, 2024, a group of us from Washington, California, Tennessee, and Colorado met in Denver for the long awaited introductory Aging and Dementia workshop given by Anne Kelly from Tasmania, Australia. Anne’s work is well-known in Australia and worldwide. Her last work this spring was in Japan and following this workshop she will be in the Netherlands and Greece. Hopefully she will return again to the US. Continue reading

MY 80th BIRTHDAY, and the book “Aged Care through a Montessori Lens”


The first celebration (pictured above) was at a Michelin Star restaurant in Nootdorp, Netherlands with Joanne Kaya, friend and Montessori teacher I first met in Moscow.

Next, with Judi Orion. Judi and I were both born in Tennessee in October, 1943, and have celebrated our birthdays together in Denver, Colorado, in Northern Italy, and now in Amsterdam. We visited the new Van Gogh museum . . . Continue reading