Glimpses of Aging – for the Young to Think About.

Glimpses of Aging  – for the Young to Think About

An Amazon review of Aged Care Through a Montessori Lens, by Anne Kelly and Susan Mayclin Stephenson:
THIS BOOK SHOULD BE READ BY THE YOUNG. This book contains valuable information, not just in thinking about parents and grandparents, but for myself, and I do not consider myself old yet. It is young people who need this information so they can change the system. I was very impressed with the Montessori ideas laid out in this book, especially the consideration of dignity during this period.

On February 20th and 21st, 2024, a group of us from Washington, California, Tennessee, and Colorado met in Denver for the long awaited introductory Aging and Dementia workshop given by Anne Kelly from Tasmania, Australia. Anne’s work is well-known in Australia and worldwide. Her last work this spring was in Japan and following this workshop she will be in the Netherlands and Greece. Hopefully she will return again to the US. Continue reading

Montessori Interview – Bangalore, India/Trinidad, California

Montessori Interview – Bangalore, India/Trinidad, California
This 11-question interview by Madhuri Prasad from Bangalore (Bengaluru), India, appeared in social media recently. For my last blog post of the year I am sharing it with you with the hopes that it brings parents and other educators closer together as we work to help the world become a better place in the future. Happy New Year!

In my exclusive interview with Susan Stephenson, a distinguished figure in Montessori education, we delve into her remarkable journey into the world of Montessori, her inspiration behind the “First Montessori Books” series, and the invaluable insights she has gathered during her extensive career. Join us as we explore the core concepts and messages conveyed through her renowned books, and how Montessori principles adapt to the challenges of the 21st century. We also discuss the importance of practical life skills and self-directed learning, the advantages of mixed-age classrooms, and the significant challenges facing Montessori educators today. Finally, Susan shares her vision for the future of Montessori education and recounts her most transformative experiences throughout her five decades as an educator and author.

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BOOK: Montessori and Mindfulness

BOOK: Montessori and Mindfulness

This book has the magic of leading the reader to be able to understand how Montessori environments offer the practice of “mindfulness” in such a natural and authentic way through work, concentration and being part of all the wonderful experiences, as children and also as adults.
—Cecilia Elguero, Director of Training,
AMI Instituto Montessori Internacional de Queretaro, Mexico


(From the Introduction)
What is Mindfulness and what does it have to do with Montessori philosophy or practice? A relatively new concept in the West refers to something that has been explored for centuries in the East. Google mindfulness and you will find hundreds of pages of advice for learning to be in the moment, something to help make our fast-paced sometimes hectic lives more manageable, more enjoyable. Most of us are interested in mindfulness because we seem to be always focused on the future, never quite caught up. We want a break. Continue reading