Ukraine Translation of “First” Montessori Book – FREE BOOK DOWNLOAD

Ukraine Translation of “First” Montessori Book – A FREE DOWNLOAD

The PDF VERSION of Montessori Cosmic Education, The Child’s Discovery of a Global Vision and a Cosmic Task
Early in 2024 three women—from Russia, Ukraine, and California—came together to do something for Ukrainian parents and teachers—using the Montessori skills that we have.
The print version of the book, although it is available on Amazon worldwide, is difficult to obtain in Ukraine so we have made the PDF version a free download.
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To see or download the book  CLICK: Ukraine translation FREE

The PRINT VERSION of Montessori Cosmic Education, The Child’s Discovery of a Global Vision and a Cosmic Task
According to 2004 statistics there were more than 50 million Ukrainians living outside their country and this figure has certainly grown since the war began. The print book is available to them from Amazon in many countries. But there is another valuable reason to obtain a print version of a book described as, “The best first Montessori book for parents,” . . .

The Print Version as a Language Project for Montessori Students and Young Adults
During the preschool years, the Montessori continent maps introduce children to the shape and name of Ukraine because this is the motor (movement) sensorial (senses) stage of learning. Today many young children are hearing the word “Ukraine” in the environment, and sometimes exhibit a confusing response.  This book can help. Even seeing the cover, the Montessori-related pictures inside, and the Cyrillic text, can provide a young child a sensorial experience that can provide a connection with people across the globe.

At age 6-18, Montessori students began their studies with the 5 Great Lessons (Solar System, plants and animals on earth, human civilizations and their creations of language and math/geometry) . The fourth Great Lesson is the study of language. Students explore and discover, more and more deeply, how and why language came about, language from prehistory to the present time. They want to know why there are so many languages, and why there are so many “alphabets,” and how languages have changed and continue to change. The answers lie in their exploration of the development of civilizations; the many reasons for migrations such as weather events; migrations to find ways to meet the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of humans; being isolated geographically; the natural human tendency to explore and create, and more.

When I was teaching ages 6-18, I sought out books that were available in several languages to compare, as one way to feed this curiosity. Although the text of this book is in the Cyrillic alphabet, there are clues of similarity for children to search for within the pages, such as КОСМІЧНА (Cosmic) and МОНТЕССОРІ(Montessori).

The Ukraine version can be compared to the English, German, Spanish, or Romanian version (and more translations in progress). The books are short and inexpensive additions to a school or home library; they provide a an example of how all humans have the same needs no matter where they life or what language they speak; and most importantly, the topic, “A child’s Discovery of a Global Vision and a Cosmic Task,” is something that, having begun at the Montessori s primary class level with the maps and culture studies, for older children provides a very important concept to think about and discuss—as they began the search for their own Cosmic Task, now with friends and family, and perhaps in the future as a profession.

The Amazon link to the the print version of book:
(USA ONLY) CLICK: Montessori Cosmic Education, Ukraine translation

Montessori Cosmic Education (for all ages), A blog post about this book, in English.
CLICK: English Version information

Ukraine, How to Talk to Children about War. A blog post from 2022, that was even translated into Ukrainian because stages of development are unique and children have different needs at different ages when hearing about war. CLICK: How to Talk about War

First Montessori Books
All of these books are available on Amazon worldwide. CLICK: First Montessori Books

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